[Weekend Celebrity Gossip] Kim Hye-soo and Kim Mi-hwa, plagiarized their master's degree?

Actress Kim Hye-soo and comedian Kim Mi-hwa are speculated of plagiarizing their papers of master's degree.


Kim Hye-soo was suspected of having faked most of her Sungkyungwan University paper of Master's Degree in 2001. The same goes for Kim Mi-hwa for her paper in 2011. Kim Hye-soo claimed, "I was at the busiest times of my days then and I lacked the understanding of plagiarism then. I apologize for not making clear the quotations in my paper".

Kim Mi-hwa claimed, "It's the re-quotation of quotation. It's my fault I didn't mention he professors' names. It's like I didn't add punctuation. What's important is whether or not it's been scientifically analyzed or not. My paper has not been written by anyone else and it won't be plagiarized".