Wonder about Korean films? We have the answer!

The Korea Movie Database (KMDb http://www.kmdb.or.kr in Korean), established by the Korean Film Archive with support from the Ministry of Information and Communication, has vast amounts of information on Korean films, actors and directors, posters, critiques and reviews, scenarios, and film-related books that are related to Korean films.

The site offers information on 35,000 people, 10,000 posters, 12,000 scenarios, 2,000 theses, 30,000 reports and critiques, 130,000 musical albums, as well as about 26,000 films that include Korean films, foreign films, and documentaries.

Based on the idea of IMDB ( http://www.imdb.com) , a famous film searching site founded by UK-based Col Needham, KMDb offers searching capabilities by film title or name of cast, and also provides behind-the-scenes stories on films and various trivia.

The Source : Koreacontent News Team
