Han Da-gam's Pictorial

Actress Han Da-gam splashed the covers of the monthly women's magazine, Jubu Life.


She's currently playing the role of Lee Eun-sung, an elegant and graceful to-the-bone second daughter-in-law of a chaebol family. She then appeared as Wang Ro-ra in the Netflix original series, "Celebrity".

Han Da-gam, who is 24 years into her career, said, "I think you're blessed if you can do what you really love. I want to do my best to solidify my position wherever I AM."

Han Da-gam has been busying herself with hobbies such as weight training, mountain hiking, tennis, golf and other activities as well as cooking, drawing and flower arrangement.

She said, "I've been hiking recently. Walking helps me clear my head and it helps me settle mentally. I think one has to experience many things in order to be an actor or an actress for so long. I always try to experience many things".