[HanCinema's Digest] Culture Corner

CNN sets out to discover what it is about South Korea culture that helps to produce such world-class golfers, My Korean Husband hit the town for their first Halloween celebrations, High Heels and a Backpack gets critical of South Korea's beauty culture, and do South Korea's scientists need a new creative culture?


"South Korea's golfing women: 'You're either a champion, or nothing'"

How is it that South Korea can boast some of the world's top women golfers? The country is relatively small, and there aren't that many golf courses around given the terrain, yet the country produces some of the world's best. This feature on CNN contains a mini-documentary about South Korea's golfing scene and aims to discover what it is about South Korean culture, exactly, that helps produces winning professionals. The short answer: discipline and passion...


"Noble advises Korean scientists to nurture creativity"

South Korean culture has been very expressive in the arts, cinema, and literature, but are their scientists in need of a bit of a creative boost? Denis Noble, a well-known biologist, recently had an interview with The Korea Times where he encouraged South Korean scientists and agencies to favour creativity moving forward: "Korea has one of the most vibrant societies in the world. Have confidence in yourselves and you will continue to impress the world", said Noble.



Curious to see how one of America's most beloved holidays manifests itself in The Land of the Morning Calm? In this video, My Korean Husband (a vlogging couple documenting their intercultural life in Seoul) enjoy their first Halloween together in Korea, "because it's only just started getting popular in Korea and Australians don't really celebrate it that much". The couple head to a YouTube Halloween party, enjoy some Indian food, visit Hongdae park, and then hit the clubs...


"Are You Beautiful Enough To Live In South Korea?"

Is South Korea too concerned with being beautiful? There's lots to love about South Korea, but in this post on High Heels and a Backpack you'll here about the one thing that some find a little uncomfortable: "There are so many things I love about South Korea but ultimately, the one thing that I will never be able to come to terms with is the country's unattainable beauty standards and the extreme pressures that are put on young women to conform to them". What do you think of Korea's beauty culture? Let us know in the comment section below...