[Spoiler] Added episode 13 captures for the Korean drama 'Sweet, Savage Family'

Added episode 13 captures for the Korean drama "Sweet, Savage Family" (2015)


Directed by Kang Dae-seon

Written by Kim Ji-eun-II, Son Geun-joo

Network : MBC

With Jung Joon-ho, Moon Jeong-hee, Jung Woong-in, Yoo Sun, Kim Eung-soo, Lee Minhyuk,...

16 episodes - Wed, Thu 22:00
Foermerly known as "Sweet_Family" (달콤한 패밀리, dal-kom-han pae-mil-li)
A humane comedy about a breadwinner of the family who is a father at home but a gang boss outside. The first episode comes in November.

Broadcast starting date in Korea : 2015/11/18
