[Video] Teaser Released for the Upcoming Korean Drama "High School Return of a Gangster"

Teaser released for the upcoming Korean drama "High School Return of a Gangster".



"High School Return of a Gangster" (2024)

Directed by Lee Sang-taek

Written by Jung Da-hee

Network: TVING, Watcha, Wavve

With Yoon Chan-young, Bong Jae-hyun, Won Tae-min, Go Dong-ok, Joo Yoon-chan, Seo Tae-hwa,...

Filming: 2023/04~2023/10
CGV release: 2024/02/22
The story about a 47-year-old gangster Kim Deuk-pal who wants to go to college, taking over the body of a 19-year-old high school student Song I-heon, avenging his perpetrators and making friendship with a friend who suffers from domestic violence.

Broadcast starting date in Korea : 2024/05/29