[HanCinema's News] Park Bo-young Confirmed for London East Asia Film Festival

The London East Asia Film Festival has confirmed that Park Bo-young will be appearing at the event as a feaured guest. The eighth annual iteration of the London East Asia Film Festival will run from October 18th to October 29th. The local film festival will feature forty-nine titles from eight countries across East Asia. "The Boys" from director Chung Ji-young is the opening film for the festival, despite it not yet being widely screened in South Korea proper.


The closing film for the festival will be "Concrete Utopia" and this is why Park Bo-young will be attending in person, owing to her starring role in that title. Where "The Boys" is a murder mystery of the not-too-distant past, "Concrete Utopia" is a disaster film of the not too distant future which gets into the social ramifications of a massive earthquake. "Concrete Utopia" is also South Korea's foreign language film submission to next year's Academy Awards in the United States.

Eight films from Chung Ji-young will feature at the London East Asian Film Festival to honor his long career in the South Korean film industry. "White Badge" and "Unbowed" are among these titles. The Lond East Asian Film Festival will also screen "Road to Boston" and "In Our Day" and "Killing Romance" regarding more recent titles. "Hopeless" and "Her Hobby" and "IRON MASK" will all be screened in competition, while "Sura: A Love Song" will screen as a CHERISH THE WORLD selection.

Written by William Schwartz