Drunken Friend's Girlfriend Gets Wet

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Korean Movie | 2023

회원 전용

Directed by Kim Joo-ho-I (김주호)

61min | Release date in South Korea:

Scene 1. (Next to a friend) She is washing every inch of her body thoroughly, and today she has a date with her boyfriend. While she is having sex with her boyfriend, her boyfriend's friend happens to see them. He then falls in love with her friend's woman and harbors dark feelings. Afterwards, he drinks with his friend until late at night and ends up sleeping together in the same house with his friend's girlfriend. When they are all sleeping, he first opens his eyes and extends his shady hand to his friend's girlfriend, who fell asleep almost naked.

Scene 2. (A lonely woman) She entered her room. After spending a boring time, she lies down on her bed and starts watching porn on TV. As she became more and more immersed in porn, her fingers reached into her panties. The inside of her underwear is starting to get wet.


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