Housemaid Mom

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Korean Movie | 2020

회원 전용

Directed by EROPING (에로핑)

70min | Release date in South Korea:

Woo-joo, who has a lot of work due to word of mouth as a prostitute, does all her work even if she got pregnant and dreams of a normal life. Sepn, the daughter of Woo-joo who is about to graduate from high school, stays in a palace-like house but feels unreal. She seems to smile brightly at her mother who seem to be the object of resentment all her life. Seon’s joy didn’t last long. It’s not easy to manage a house that big. She doesn’t want her mother to do the chores, so she’s not making excuses to stay at home. To look good for her boyfriend, her mom would give her money, but she feels uneasy to accept it. Good house, good food to eat every day, the more she wants to have more. Seon acts cutely to the quiet and kind-looking house owner to ask for money. He shows her the shoes he never wore, thoughtlessly looking cute. Seon gets quite a bit of money from a nice, older guy, but this guy seems to be a bit dark. Whenever Seon needs her allowance, she has to take off her clothes in front of this dying old man. If she won’t, her desire for things that she already created will get bigger and bigger. She gets nervous because she thinks she’ll lose everything if she gets caught by her mom.


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