I Learned About the a Man's Body From My Younger Brother

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Korean Movie | 2024

회원 전용

Directed by So Ryoo-hee (소류희)

72min | Release date in South Korea:

Scene 1. (Younger Brother) A phone call comes in from a friend suggesting a double date, so the man goes to his friend's house excitedly. However, waiting at the house is not his friend but his friend's older sister, who unexpectedly came to his brother's house and greeted the flustered man.

Scene 2. (Perverted Sex) A man with perverse tendencies decides to steal underwear and stockings from a motel female guest to satisfy his desire. He sneaks into a room where a woman is staying alone. Just as he is about to sneak out with the stolen items, he gets caught by the guest. However, the woman shows an unexpected reaction.

Scene 3. (Young Housewife) Hye-yoon, a young housewife, is waiting for her husband in front of their house after forgetting her keys. At that moment, Joon-wook, who lives next door to her, appears and tells her to wait inside his house until her husband returns, since the weather is cold. As the two talk about various things, Joon-wook feels sympathy for Hye-yoon, who shares her many grievances about her husband, and comforts her. They caught up in strange emotions and eventually started kissing each other.


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