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Korean Movie | 2023

회원 전용

Directed by Lee Ah-min (이아민)

72min | Release date in South Korea:

Scene 1. (One night) A man and a woman who met at an entertainment establishment come to the motel drunk. Ashamed of her relationship with a stranger, the woman keeps pretending to be drunk, and the man keeps seducing her to have sex.

Scene 2. (Sweetheart selfie) A couple who went on a trip in a camping car captures with a camera their own secret and flirtatious relationship.

Scene 3. (Special service) The man who put the blindfold on her girlfriend, saying he would give her a special service, caresses her lightly and asks her what she has been curious about. As her eyes were covered, her senses became more sensitive, and she couldn't resist the light touch of her man, so she let her moan out.


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